Voting outside constituency

Dear Editor – I write to respond to one Samson Siru, who was quoted in your paper Tuesday this week, opposing the concept of voting outside one’s constituency. I understand the Electoral Commission is working on legislations to make this happen, especially for those working and living in Honiara. I think the intention is to make…

SPG sporting complex

Dear Editor – Allow me a space to continue to express my views on the inappropriateness of the South Pacific Games Sporting Complex location. The government needs to seriously consider the possibility of youths causing public disorder and anti-social behaviour. By taking away the sports training ground at King George Sixth School, SIFF Academy and…

Deserving youth

Dear Editor – Later this month, 27 year old Millicent Barty will be travelling to London where she will receive H.M. The Queen’s Young Leaders Award in recognition of the fine work she has done to educate and empower young and under-privileged people throughout the country. Millicent will be the fourth young Solomon Islander that…


Dear Editor – Please publish the following poem: You come whilst deep asleep Forgetting your knocking on the slippery metal door As the plan is to go backward under the floor While the whole commonwealth are deep   Into legalizing homosexuality into Homo sapiens Tools of creativity and more into stupidity Homo sapiens claiming higher…

The dirty plot is looming

Moves to stop new candidates from contesting national election SOLOMON Islands will go to the polls early 2019 and the political race for the 50 parliamentary seats has begun. We are now halfway into 2018 and to date there has been no information available from the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission as to when the Registration…

Taiwan deserves the world’s attention

 ON May 30, 2018, PRC’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesman An Fengshan asserted that mainland China and Taiwan have entered a phase of competition for better system and talents since CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) 19th Party Congress last November. Mr An quoted Taiwan’s public opinion, stating that (Taiwan’s political parties) KMT, DPP and CCP should…

Same sex marriage

Dear Editor – Whether we like it or not, it’s slowly but surely creeping into the land, the same sex marriage affair. S.I. hold on fast on the laws that you have which prohibits the same sex marriage or the Advocates deceive you. It is now a talk of the globe get ready to tackle…

Replacing aid with trade

Dear Editor – When addressing the New Zealand Pacific Council in Auckland recently, Prime Minister Rick Hou spoke about the need for the Solomon Islands to gradually curtail aid and to replace it with trade. The PM said, “It is politically and economically prudent that Solomon Islands gradually replace aid with trade, which will in…

Safety of young girls a national concern

From 8th April to 14th April, it is Anti International harassment week and is currently remembered by thirty countries through- out the world focusing more on Girl’s safety. This article is focus on safety of young girls starting with sexual harassment, to violence and other issues that are obstacles to their freedom of movement, their…

Towards better understanding of Man-Woman Partnership

PARTNERSHIP according to Thesaurus English is – companionship, relationship, alliance. For the purpose of my presentation, I will pick on the first two words; companionship and relationship. Companionship or relationship was and has been the very purpose, why God created Eve. God had already foreseen that Adam being by himself would experience extreme loneliness.  Thus,…