The Rain

Dear Editor – Please publish the following:   The weather man predicted fine The reality is like a dolphin Meandering with the current flow Eating all that meet its part    This morning; the torrential was heavy Pushing all the lead, mercury and arsenic From the dust formed many centuries Back when the Japanese and…

NZ to increase aid to the Pacific

Dear Editor – Quoting Radio New Zealand International – 2 March 2018 “In a speech to the LOWY Institute in Sydney this evening, Mr Peters said New Zealand was a Pacific country, linked by history, culture, politics, and demographics. “In many respects the Pacific is where New Zealand matters more, wields more influence, and can…

Short vs Laore

Dear Editor – On your viewpoint column on Monday 26 March, 2018, Frank Short responded to Ms. Caroline Laore’s thought on TRC delay. In his opinion Mr Short seemed to localize Laore’s view on the rationale stated for having a division in police force then, and he further elaborated on his personal inputs portrayed in…

The pursuit of peace

Dear Editor – The Solomon Islands Government has once again re-affirmed its pursuit of peace for the ongoing progress, security and stability of the island nation. I have commented on the challenges that the government faces in bringing about the desired result, but I have never touched upon the fact that where politics has previously…

The plight of local pilots

Dear Editor – A million dollar question that we have been asking ourselves of late is “Are local pilots really inferior and incompetent compared to foreign pilots?” The above question begs an answer from the responsible bureaucrats currently posing as our administrators who are milking us dry at the top of the food chain. As…

Hearts of Hope

Dear Editor – Last Friday the Island Sun newspaper featured two articles, complete with illustrations, of the inspirational work being done in Malaita by the charity Hearts of Hope HOH) in caring for well over a thousand young orphans and elderly widows. It was reported that the charity is already supporting 42 programmes across the…

Thank You Japan

Dear Editor – From the North Malaita committees, chiefs, church elders’, and former elites from Arnon Atomea C.H.S and students. To the government of Japan through its embassy of Solomon Islands grassroots and human security project grant. From the heart of North Malaita is located Arnon Atomea Community High School. I would like to stand…

International Women’s Day

INTERNATIONAL Women’s Day is next week, on 8 March. It is a time when the world joins together to mark women’s many accomplishments, but also to consider what more can be done to achieve gender equality. This will be my second International Women’s Day in Honiara. I will be joining groups from across Solomon Islands…