Dear Editor – The French BRED Bank has opened its doors in Honiara, on Friday, becoming the fourth commercial bank in the Solomon Islands. BRED Bank’s other operations in the Pacific are in Fiji, Vanuatu, Tahiti, New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna.  Having given the go ahead to open its doors in Honiara, the governor…

Call to appreciate MP Fiulaua

Dear Editor – The ongoing deteriorating bad road condition in south central Malaita is still heating the airwaves. The responses made by John Sala against Eddie Leamae’s comments to the MID Permanent Secretary on the issue of not having enough engineers and fund to do road maintenance in Malaita province and as well as other…

Corruption= poverty

Dear Editor – In the general understanding, most of our people don’t grip the meaning of corruption and the by-product of corruption. The ratio of corruption is very minimal comparing with the rich countries except the Scandinavian countries. Corruption weakens the legislature and regulation structures of any country. In Asia there is no word for…

Solar-dried cocoa exports

Dear Editor – Patterson Siliota, the Chief Inspecting Officer of the Solomon Islands Commodities Export Market Authority (CEMA), has confirmed that total exports of cocoa beans to the premium chocolate market for 2017 so far stands at 24 metric tonnes (worth over $600,000) compared with less than 2 metric tonnes exported in previous years. “This…

Promotion in RSIPF

Dear Editor – May I refer to Solomon Star issue No: 6661 dated on Tuesday 1st August 2017 at front page “Varley Defends his Decision”, and in Solomon Star issue No: 6663 dated on Friday 4th August 2017 on page 2 “Varley takes stand” regarding the above subject matter. First and foremost, I wish to…

Malaita Day

Dear Editor– My isles de Ramos Malaita province will celebrate Malaita day on the 15th of August mark its second appointed day 39 years old In the count. Come on isles de Ramos you big boy nao! Big enough to look after your own affairs and the welfare of your people’s young and old and…

Reserved seats?

Dear Editor – With the ongoing debate for and against reserved seats in Parliament for women I suggest that the proponents of the initiative once again put out in the public media arguments for and the a various assumptions on which  this particular  idea is based. It seems that the debate is not yet over…