RAMSI ends: what’s next for SI?

The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) officially comes to a completion on Friday, June 30. For the past 14 years the Australian-led mission has been assisting the Pacific Island country to reestablish stability and functionality after a period of ethnic violence from 1998 to 2003. During this period hundreds of people were killed,…

Cities: Good or evil?

ARE cities good or evil? In developing nations and emerging markets the rise of the city has been unprecedented in recent decades, and it is in these environments in particular that cities can often be viewed as breeding grounds for poverty and crime, as well as environmental and social degradation. But in actual fact, they…

Thanks RAMSI for a job well done

MR Speaker, thank you for giving me the opportunity to contribute to the motion moved by the Prime Minister that Parliament resolves itself into a Committee of the Whole House to consider National Parliament Paper N0.19 of 2017, The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) 2003 -2017: a joint report by the Solomon Islands…

Thanks-giving Service

Speech by RAMSI Special Coordinator Quinton DevlinMaranatha Hall, East HoniaraSunday 25 June 2017 I stand here, on behalf of the thousands of women and men that came from 15 nations across the Pacific over the last 14 years fo helpem fren; to help a friend in need; to end the violence; to stabilise the country…

Saving tuna – and the people who rely on it

The fate of the world’s tuna – and communities that fishing for it – may rest with consumers SEAFOOD consumers are more discriminating than ever before. Not only do they increasingly demand fish that are harvested sustainably, they also look for “fair trade” products that also support local and traditional fishing communities. But these labels…

Taiwan’s soft diplomacy

TAIWAN, officially known as the Republic of China (ROC), has been referred to by local politicians as a friend indeed in thick and thin. Prime Minister Sogavare in his welcome remarks to Ambassador Luo, January this year, said “I can assure you that the relationship between our two countries can only grow stronger and stronger”.…

Tourism better alternative for Temotu?

Radio New Zealand International (RNZI) carried a story,Thursday, 25 May, 2017, which highlighted how communities in Temotu Province could greatly benefit from preserving their environment rather than through logging and mining. This is the news slot that caught my eye and I quote. “An environmental NGO says communities in Solomon Islands____ Temotu province can earn…

The Third Beatitude

Welcome to our continuing discussion on the Sermon on the Mount. This week, we discuss the third of the Beatitudes: “Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5). I believe that you’ve been blessed and gain new insights on the beatitude from what we have discuss so far. Stay with me…

C’Wealth offers hope to voters who expect credible elections

The Commonwealth promotes democracy by deploying election observers, offering practical assistance to electoral commissions, and providing hands-on training to junior election officials, writes Commonwealth Secretary-General PATRICIA SCOTLAND. MOST of us remember the first time we voted. It is a rite of passage which marks political empowerment and passing into adulthood. With a pencil and a…