Building a Solomons savings culture

HONIARA, (ANZ) – In the Solomon Islands women have always played an instrumental role in their communities. In the small island nation of just over half a million people some 70 vernacular languages are spoken and a subsistence economy prevails. Now the central role  of women is further evolving as they play an even greater…

God Gives A Perfect Heart

This week under the theme ‘The secret of God’s presence,’ we will look at another two passages from the Bible and they are 1 Chronicles 29:19 and Psalms 119:80. First, the author of first Chronicles writes these words by King David, “Give unto Solomon my son a perfect heart, to keep thy commandment, thy testimonies,…

Solomon pijin sotkats

While English is the official language of the Solomon Islands, Pijin is clearly the ‘unofficial’ national language. It is the common language of  the Solomons, spoken and understood by almost everyone in the country. It is the language of gossip, jokes, the market, the bus stop, the bar. Until recently Pijin has almost entirely been…

Climate Change: A challenge for all of us

LAST week I was in Canberra for a meeting of all Australian High Commissioners and Ambassadors from around the Pacific. One of the topics we discussed at length was climate change, including Australia’s efforts to mitigate climate change and assist Pacific countries in adapting to climate change. We know that climate change is a priority…

Alleged scam: a blessing in disguise

THIS week appears to be setting the stage for a showdown when Parliament meets next month. In many ways, issues that have surfaced are playing into the hands of the Opposition, which could unleash a torrent of salvos come Question Time. For example, SKL and its subsidiaries, a group of company being promoted here as…

CDF: Constituent are in the dark

THERE is great need for openness and transparency in the use of Constituency Development Fund. Why CDF information continued to be left in the dark is a painful reality to people in the rural communities. It is for their sake that this additional layer of service delivery apart from the central and provincial government system…

We are not dreaming, Osiagalo

THE article by Elton Osiagalo carried in the Solomon Star issue #5954 dated Saturday 22nd August 2015 makes very interesting reading but unfortunately “lacks substance” and can only be summed up as “unconstructive and a classic example of one creating issues out of non-issues”. However, I would like to thank him for exercising his right…

APID – A special investigation

[I have mentioned in my last article on this that that article was the last on the handling by the Minerals Board of APID’s mineral licences on Rennell Island. But since then several documents have landed on my lap that the temptation to write another was irresistible.] So here it is. The Mines and Minerals…

Walk with A Perfect Heart

Welcome to our continuing discussion on the theme ‘The Secret of God’s Presence’ under our topic for this week, “Walk with a Perfect Heart.” Our next text to explore under this topic is 2 Kings 20:2-5, which says, “Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, “Remember, O Lord, how I…