Pray for One another

Welcome to our ongoing discussion on the ‘One another’ series in the New Testament.This week we will look at the twelve of the ‘one another’ sayings and that is to “pray for one another” (James 5:16). I believe that you have been blessed and encouraged by what we have already looked at in this series.…

Confess your sins to One Another

This is the eleventh of the ‘One another’ sayings in the New Testament which we have discussed over the last ten weeks. This week we look at James injunction,“Confess your sins to one another” (James 5:16). When we develop our spiritual discipline of confession we find freedom. Confession can be one of the most difficult…

A pristine bay under threat

Takataka faces the menacing pillage of loggers ON the South East Coast of Malaita, lies a pristine piece of natural beauty, which is Takataka Bay. Situated in the heart of East Areare, Takataka Bay is one of the remaining coastal regions of Malaita which has escaped pillaging by loggers. For centuries, the surrounding forests have…

Our national emblem

IN one of the series on SIBC in the programme “Election for what” on Sunday 14th September, 2014, a question was asked on the National Emblem as to the meaning of the shark and the crocodile that formed the coat of Arm. Unfortunately, the learned panellists could not answer that simple but important question. Let’s…

Australian aid for Australian trade

THE recently released Australian foreign aid policy claims to be heralding a new paradigm of aid delivery. This new paradigm will see the ‘Aid-for-Trade’ component increase from 12.5% to at least 20% of the aid budget by 2020 in an effort to encourage Pacific Island Countries to take advantage of the opportunities integration into the…