Q&A on China-SO security deal

Q: Why should China and Solomon Islands sign security agreement? A: Solomon Islands has bitter memories of social unrest in the past decades since its independence. In November 2021, riot broke out again in Honiara and resulted in huge property losses and social panic. The government of Solomon Islands decided to diversify its international security…


IN 1981 I was sent to cover the then South Pacific Forum Meeting in Port Vila, Vanuatu. (I was then a reporter with the Port Moresby-based Post Courier newspaper, owned by multi-millionaire Rupert Murdoch). As it was my first overseas assignment, I was determined to make the most of it.  There were other Port Moresby…

US$15m boost for agriculture

All it takes will be for some Chinese business to set up a large commercial piggery, cattle farm, cocoa and other root crop farms to kill off any attempt to promote increase of production through small holders. The Government should protect Solomon Islander farmers now by encouraging the establishment of national corporations for piggery, cattle…

International forest day celebration

Statement By Dr VAENO VIGULU PERMANENT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF FORESTRY AND RESEARCH Today, marks one of those very important days when the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed in 2012, that on every 21st March the International Day of Forests (IDF) shall be commemorated around the world annually. This is in recognition of forest’s pivotal role…