HOLY Cross Cathedral Parish commemorated Good Friday with a re-enactment of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ by the Catholic Parish youths at the Holy Cross Cathedral joined with other Christian denominations around the globe remembering the Death of Jesus Christ.
Youths dressed as Roman soldiers, Jesus’s Disciples, Jesus’s Mother, Pilot, Herod, Pharisees and other Biblical characters involved re-enact the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
To the youths and parishioners this is more than just a show but a tradition that dates back more than 2000 years ago showing the powerful biblical event taken from the Gospels of the New Testament of the Bible.
Christians watched with tears as they meditated upon the 14 Stations of the Cross of Jesus or the way of the Cross, This Includes (1) Jesus is condemned to death, (2) he is made to bear his cross, (3) he falls the first time, (4) he meets his mother, (5) Simon of Cyrene is made to bear the cross, (6) Veronica wipes Jesus’ face, (7) he falls the second time, (8) the women of Jerusalem weep over Jesus, (9) he falls the third time, (10) he is stripped of his garments, (11) he is nailed to the cross, (12) he dies on the cross, (13) he is taken down from the cross, and (14) he is placed in the sepulchre.
According to the gospels Jesus was betrayed by Judas on the night of the Last Supper that was commemorated on Holy Thursday night. On Friday morning, Christ’s arrested and was brought before Annas, a powerful Jewish cleric. Annas condemned Jesus for blasphemy for refusing to repudiate Annas’ words that He was the Son of God and from there, Jesus was sent to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of the province.
The day followed with 3pm Veneration of the Cross where Christians venerate by, kneeling, and bow at the foot of the Cross of Jesus.
For Catholics around the world and according to Catholic Liturgical calendar, Good Friday is the second day of the Easter Tridiuum that begins on Holy Thursday which involves the Lords supper with his Disciples, washing of feet, followed by this Passion of Christ and will end on the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord on Sunday Evening.
The single celebration of the Triduum marks the end of the Lenten season, and leads to the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at the Easter Vigil.
This Re-enactment was opened with an opening prayer by His Grace Archbishop Christopher Cardone and Australian Defence Force Chaplain Hayden.
His Grace said “On Good Friday our lord Jesus Christ renew our relationship with our Heavenly father through His suffering”
“It’s time for us to reflect on our daily lives on how we made our relationship with God in this challenging time”.
Catholics will continue with Easter Vigil today Saturday at 7pm for the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord on Sunday.
- Catholic Communications