The Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) has successfully wrapped up a series of awareness on the Constituency Development Funds (CDF) Act 2023 for Hograno-Kia-Havulei constituency (HKHC) in Isabel Province.
The awareness program run from October 25 to November 8, 2024 in collaboration with the HKH constituency office.
Over 300 participants which include chiefs, community leaders and constituents from the constituency’s six (6) wards namely Kolomola, Kolotubi, Susubona, Samasodu, Kia and Baolo represented their respective villages at the awareness sessions held in the six wards.
The strong turnout reflected HKHC’s eagerness to learn and realize change in the CDF program in compliance with the new Act to improve their social and economic livelihoods.

The awareness also coincided with the validation of HKH Constituency Development Plan (CDP) and priorities by the participating community leaders. The HKH Constituency Office is represented by the Constituency Development Officer (CDO), Apollos Manegere. The CDP will be valid until 2028.
The awareness was part of the ministry’s ongoing activity to raise awareness and educate people on the new CDF legislation.
MRD believes that such awareness program does not only provides the right information about the new Act to our people and communities but it creates a better understanding on the constituents’ roles and responsibilities under the new legislation.
It was an informative and interactive sessions as participants were given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss openly with MRD on the areas which they wished to have clarifications on.

The awareness sessions with the HKHC have clarified many misperceptions about the Act and how it is applied.
The awareness covered various provisions of the act including appointment and role of constituency officers, constituency development plan, signatories to constituency bank accounts, constituency assets and reporting, offences and penalties, and other important provisions of the law.
Community leaders from the six wards expressed profound gratitude to MRD for the awareness program.

They said that such awareness and information sharing is important to guarantee constituents are informed of the new CDF Act provisions before such implementation of the CDF program could be carried out in the constituency.
Kolomola Community Chairman, Philiston Lealea said the awareness was the first of its kind for his community and he acknowledged MRD for it.
“I believe this new Act will pave the way for constituents to work together with MRD through our constituency office under the leadership of our Member of Parliament (MP) for the development of our constituency.
“This legislation is crucial to ensure communities and constituents who will be benefiting or receiving projects and support under this CDF program must comply and responsible for their conducts,” Mr. Lealea said on behalf of Kolomola Ward participants.

Hograno House of Chief Chairman, Chief Patteson Kana also shared similar sentiments.
Chief Kana was speaking on behalf of participants who attended a session conducted for community leaders within Susubona ward.
Mr. Kana appreciated MRD and the HKH constituency office collective effort in delivering the series of awareness in the constituency.
“This legislation is our yardstick to ensure we do things properly and in a manner that is right and beneficial to everyone,” Mr. Kana said.
“As community leaders, we are pleased with this awareness. The responsibility now is on us leaders to go back to our communities and educate our people about this important law,” chief John Konainao from Samasodu Ward said.
He said, “ensuring our rural people understand the provisions in the Act and how it will be implemented is very important.”

While acknowledging MRD for the awareness program, Chief Johnson Leamana from Kolotubi ward said that such awareness was very important as it educates constituents on the new Act, offers right information about CDF and how it has been managed over the past years, and how it will be operated under the new Act going forward.
Mr. Leamana emphasised that teamwork is the only way forward for HKHC adding the responsibility now is on all constituents to work together with the Constituency Development Committee (CDC) and the constituency office under the leadership of the Member of Parliament for the betterment of everyone.
“To fulfil our desires and move HKHC forward we must work hand-in-hand- with our CDC and constituency office in accordance with the new CDF legislation,” Mr. Leamana added.
James Haimono of Kia Ward and Chairlady of Havulei House of Chief, Selina Taloni from Baolo Ward while sharing similar thoughts said that the awareness has clarified many of their misperceptions about the new Act and how it is applied.
They also appreciated the new CDF Act and MRD for the awareness program.
Team leader and Director of Rural Development Division, Milfred Delemani emphasised that by reaching out and sharing right information to our people who are mostly the beneficiaries of this law will help them understand it and as well apply it in their association with the CDF and the application of it in our constituencies.
Mr. Delemani on behalf of MRD expresses appreciation to the Member of Parliament for HKH constituency and our Prime Minister Honourable Jeremiah Manele for his support for this awareness program in his constituency.
He also thanked participants for their participations and everyone involved which ensued in the success of the awareness program.
“Now that you are armed with the accurate and right information about this CDF law, I encourage you to go back to your respective communities and share the same information and message with our people.
“We (constituents) should not be fearful of this law as it is there to act as a guide to our conducts in working with and applying the CDF in our development processes,” Mr. Delemani told the participants.
CDO Manegere recognized MRD for accepting the constituency’s office invitation to carry out the awareness in HKH constituency. He also thanked chiefs, community leaders and constituents for their support and collaboration during the course of the program.
Mr. Manegere said that the series of awareness in collaboration with MRD is part of the HKH constituency office preparatory efforts to ensure constituents have a better understanding and information about the new CDF law before this year’s HKH CDF program can be implemented.
“Now that we have completed the awareness, our next step now is the preparation for implementation which we are anticipating to happen before this year ends.”
The CDF Act 2023 was passed by Parliament on 22 December 2023 and came into commencement on the 5th of January 2024.
The purposes of the new CDF Act 2023 are; to strengthen good governance; to ensure improved and effective delivery mechanisms of the Constituency Development Funds and to promote equal and inclusive participation of all Solomon Islanders in development.
MRD will continue to undertake similar awareness talks in other constituencies and communities across the country in the future.