Burnscreek Paramount Chief Peter Usi has called on the Government to speed up development on Malaita province.
Speaking to this paper on Wednesday Mr Usi said, he is wondering why it takes so long for the previous governments and the current one to develop Suafa Bay and Bina Harbour project on Malaita.
He said, the two proposed projects is a joke to the hard working people of Malaita where the government of the day should think seriously about it.
“I raised my concern to the government of the day because there are lots of impacts affecting my young Malaitans in the capital city today in terms of criminal activities” he said.
“Every time I see young Malaitans arrested every day because of criminal activates, I shed tears because I know that if the government is serious about developing Bina Harbour and Suafa Bay, my people would have job opportunities in Malaita and would not involved in such activates,” he added.
He said, as aresult of less job opportunities on Malaita, young Malaitans are flooding the city looking for jobs.
He added that only very few managed to be employed by the Chinese and the rest that could not find one turned into criminal activities for survival.
He said, at the moment the government didn’t create new job opportunities for its citizens and he praised the Chinese business owners in Honiara for employing young Malaitans in their business which he believes keeps them away from criminal activities.
“At the moment I didn’t see any job opportunities created by the government, only Chinese people are creating new job today,” he said.
He said, it’s time that the DCC Government should be serious about developing the long waited projects on Malaita to provide job opportunities for young people who are doing nothing in Honiara.
With that Mr. Usi also call upon the resource owners of Bina and Suafa to work together with the DCC Government to make way for development on the Island.
“If only there are job opportunities on the Island of Malaita, the crime rate in the city will be low as most young Malaitans will be engaged in nation building activities.”
By Biriau Wilson Saeni