CHIEF Charley Salofafo from Gilbert Camp area East Honiara has called on his people of Malaita to open up their customary land for development.
Chief Salofafo said, he is making the call in light of his full knowledge that dispute over land ownership had been the main obstacle to development in Malaita Province.
“I want to state here that it’s high time Malaitans understand the importance of development and allow their lands for developments,” chief Salofafo said.
He said, the number of Malaitans travelling to Honiara and elsewhere in the country seeking employment opportunities is so big to accommodate.
“Such trend of job seekers from Malaita province alone speaks volumes requiring serious thinking by all Malaitans,” chief Salofafo said.
In view of this sad situation, chief Salofafo appeals to leaders and people of Malaita to seriously re-think about opening up their land for development.
“This is the only way out in solving the need to provide employment for its people.”
Mr Salofafo said, that many Malaitans especially young people of today have suffered long enough in not being able to participate i n development i n their own province.
He said such suffering can only be alleviated when landowners open up their land to allow economic development conducive to improving livelihood of its people.
Chief Salofafo added only then can the large job seeking population of Malaitans return home to help develop their own Province.
He further calls on the Government to attach great emphasis in giving education awareness to Malaitan to realise the importance of development on their land.
The chief also calls on Auluta basin and Faumamanu growth centres land owners take a lead in opening up their lands for those proposed multi-million dollar projects to get started.