A CHIEF of Sandfly Island in Gela Central Province is calling on to the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) to provide disaster relief supplies to their community.
Speaking to this paper over the weekend chief George Selwyn Loli of Leitongo district claimed they are also the victims of the recent tropical cyclone Harold.
“But for the past months we miss out of such disaster reliefs which is really discouraging,” he said, adding this is not the first time they have been overlooked when it comes to getting help from the government.
He claimed NDMO officials have visited their communities and observed the damages caused by tropical Cyclone Harold to their homes and food gardens yet there was no positive feedback.
Chief Loli said other provinces have already received their supplies from the responsible authority.
“We heard about the distribution of disaster kits and other relevant supplies to communities in other provinces that have been affected by the tropical cyclone Harold, but we are yet to receive anything,” he said.
He added over the past years Central Province especially in Ngela has always been overlooked.
“I humbly appeal to the responsible authority to consider our situation and respond to our call,” he said.