Dear Editor – We have come across certain companies especially Chinese business owners that do not accept cheque payment.
This has caused frustration to business operations. For us in King George VI School, the school do cheque payment for whatever payment and Chinese Business owners do not accept KGVI School Cheques.
We came across few but I believe most of the Chinese did the same.
Below are few points that need explanation for:
1. How did the Government deal with such?
2. Did these Chinese do not accept cheque because they refuse to pay government tax or what?
3. Should we leave the struggling Solomon Islanders to pay their tax while Chinese invest their wealth from this country somewhere else?
We call on responsible authority/government ministry to make explanation and deal with this kind of exercise. We need to see the importance of our own people, country as a whole and make things right.
The country’s biggest achievement was regaining peace in the country with the good help of our neighbouring countries (RAMSI) but this peaceful country still battle economical war.
I know you understand this little piece but my point is you leaders need to put together bits and pieces of what breaks our economy down again and make it happen.
I paid government tax. Government takes a lot from our very small salaries but the Chinese do not pay tax.
The indication is stated above. They don’t accept cheque. They only want Cash. They do not bank their money and how do we expect miracle to happen to see our economy in rapid growth?
Kaylten Puia
KGVI School Media