Dear Editor – I wish to voice my concern on the upcoming general election, as we are only few weeks away.
We must bear in mind that we need right people to represent us in the house.
We are now a fully grown person, as we celebrated our 36 anniversary last, 7th July 2014.
I have noticed that none of the ground-breaking ceremonies on those projects in Malaita let to any tangible developments on the sites.
The NCRA Government was so silent until their time lapsed. Their sweet promises turn into false hope.
And our resources have never been utilised. I want Solomon Islanders to know that, some of our former parliamentarians have no vision to utilise our resources.
Instead their eyes are on mandating them for their own benefits.
It’s time to make a change in our political leadership. Leaders that are serious in utilising our resources, than looking to Taiwan for more money.
No doubt, we have potential leaders and non-potentials leaders. Root out those non-potential ones to make room for the wise ones for a better leadership.
I know that we have the right to choose our leaders to represent us in the honourable house.
November 19 is the only time for us to change our representative in the Parliament.
Again you have seen and felt the hardship we have gone through during the last 4 years in leadership.
If you have achieved your goals and have satisfied with your representative or disagreed, then I urge you to make a right decision on 19th November 2014.
Your ballot paper will make a difference to our populace. (Proverbs 29: 2 when the righteous are in Authority the people rejoice. But when a wicked man rule the people groan)
Most people in our constituencies have clearly identified their former representatives by reading their characters and behaviours.
Some of them met their promises, while most of them never keep to their sweet promises.
And I’m calling on the rural dwellers to make a very good assessment, if no development has happened in your rural areas, then something is wrong, we need to see more developments happening in our rural areas.
Because millions of dollars are flooding in our country from the Taiwanese Government, than ever before.
So it’s high time for us the rural dwellers to look beyond these individual little cash handouts. (Teach a man how to fish and he will feed his family for a life time).
Lastly, there will be more candidates with sweet promises coming your way. Some are coming with cash hand outs, to convince you for their own benefits.
You have to be wise to make the right decision to mandate the right person to represent you, for the next 4 years in the parliament.
Listen very carefully to the candidates that have the qualities to represent you at the highest level of leadership in this nation.
Pr Paul Fo’ori
Kofiloko Church