The Catholic Church Archbishop Chris Cardone in his response to the Solomon Star Article ‘BRUTAL ACT’ on the 22nd June stated that the church is willing to look after unwanted infants.
In his Sunday 28th June Sermon broadcasted live over the national broadcaster said, “it was a tragic story and we do not know the reason why this young student killed her baby but we send her loving sympathy at this difficult time.”
“As priest and bishop here in the Solomon Islands, these past 31 years we have heard about a number of young women who have either aborted ( killing a baby before natural birth) their children or killing them after birth.
“Parents, priests and pastors should always speak to their own children and those in our youth groups about the sanctity of human life as all lives matter. Our young people should know that if they are in a difficult situation with a child whom they are not ready to raise by themselves or by their families, they should go to their priest or pastor and share their problem.”
“Usually once a year I preach about human life and I say publicly in my sermon and now here through Solomon Star that if a youth is pregnant and is not willing or able to look after her, come to Holy Cross and share your situation with our DMI Sisters or any of the priests.
“We would be happy to look after your baby and to find a willing family that is cared to adopt your baby. All lives matter and all our Christian Churches should promote human life from the womb to the tomb,” said Archbishop Chris Cardone.
When this paper asked Archbishop Cardone about his statement, he strongly stated that ‘all lives matter from the womb to the tomb’.
He said that in the next Solomon Islands Christian Association (SICA) and Solomon Islands Full Gospel Association (SIFGA) meetings, he would share with other church leaders on how churches could compassionately address this issue.