Frustrated voters of few constituencies in Malaita Province have called on their parliament representatives to enlighten them on the constituency development funds for this year.
A group of voters who wish to remain anonymous told this paper that its almost two years since the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA) was formed; however they still wait to see green light from the constituency offices.
The group claimed to represent their communities and supporter of some Malaita parliament members, uttered similar sentiments, saying that they want their parliament members to update their people and communities on constituency development fund.
One of the leaders claim to be from West Kwara’ae Constituency who wishes to remain anonymous has questioned as to why government fail to update the people of the constituency funding.
He said CDF is for whole of constituency, not only for few people or supporters of MPs.
“Most of us are still waiting for government’s constituency development fund to support us with small project.
“We are still waiting for our projects,” the man said.
However, he said while government is being appreciated for its effort in combating the threat of COVID -19 in the country, people need to be updated on constituency development fund.
He said rural population and the villagers who depend much on substance farming for daily living are still waiting for the constituency fund.
This is the only support some believe may help to improve standard of living at the community level,” he said.