CONSTRUCTION works have started on the Su’u Harbour and Bira Bridges in Malaita Province.
These bridges are built with financial support from the World Bank under the Second Solomon Islands Roads and Aviation Project (SIRAP2), a comprehensive infrastructure programme aimed at improving roads, bridges and air travel in Solomon Islands.
The project is overseen by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) and constructed by China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC), utilising modular bridge technology to ensure the bridges are adaptable to the impacts of climate change and the increasingly severe weather events affecting the country.
Progress to date includes the completion of temporary road diversions; dismantling and demolition of the existing bridge foundations; clearing of the river crossing sites; and clearing, grubbing, and stripping of topsoil for both bridges.
The installation of piles and the pre-casting of concrete load blocks is underway for the Bira Bridge. So far, 52.5 metres of accumulated driven piles have been installed, along with 12 pre-cast concrete load blocks.
Piling is a crucial step that involves driving deep foundation supports into the ground, ensuring the stability and strength of the bridge, particularly in areas with soft soil or water. This foundation work is essential for providing the long-term support needed for the bridge structure.

The construction activities are progressing according to schedule. Engineers and construction workers are carefully carrying out the piling work, ensuring that it meets safety and quality standards. The successful completion of this phase will pave the way for the next stages of construction, including the installation of bridge piers, decking and other structural components.
MID Permanent Secretary Allan Lilia emphasised the importance of this project, stating, “The construction of the Su’u Harbour and Bira Bridges is an important investment for our country. These bridges will improve connections between communities, boost economic growth, and provide better access to important services. The Government is fully committed to ensuring the successful completion of this project.”
Apart from the Su’u Harbour and Bira Bridges, SIRAP2 is also funding other important investments, including the construction of Kolofe1 and Kolofe2 Bridges also in Malaita Province, the upgrade of the Santa Cruz Airfield in Temotu Province, improvement of Noro Roads in the Western Province, upgrade of Honiara Airport and also Munda Airport in the Western Province, modernisation of air navigation systems in Makira-Ulawa and Temotu Provinces and provision of maintenance support at Honiara and Munda Airports.