Honiara city council has been urged to improve the condition of its public toilets as they have become a health risk to the public.
John Regis a concerned citizen has appealed to city council to upgrade and improve the condition of the Honiara central market toilets which are beyond usable state.
“The state of the market toilets is so filthy that people can get sick from. It needs an urgent fix because even the smell coming from the toilets is posing health risks to the public using the facility,” Mr Regis said.
He said as a person who normally goes to the market and went to use the toilets for comfort purposes, it so disgusting its smell and state of the toilets.
“I have no choice but to use it because where will I go when nature calls.”
He called on HCC and health authorities to quickly address these important issues.
City Clerk Charles Kelly when asked said the central market toilets are under renovation but it was unfortunate to see the contractor who did the job could not complete it.
Kelly said the project was funded by UN-WOMEN to upgrade the toilets but the contractor cannot complete it despite the contract being extended on two occasions.
This has also raised concerns with UN-WOMEN since they have expected a complete improvement to the toilets but that has never been done.
However Kelly said council will most likely try and find another contractor to complete the upgrade work as it is important for the health and comfort of the public.
Adding if fully renovated and complete, they will also outsource it and apply the pay before use system to make people feel responsible over its use.