COUNTING of ballot papers for both Choiseul and Western Provincial election is now underway.
The one day election was successfully held yesterday.
For Western Province three counting centers are; Seghe, Noro and Gizo.
Counting at Gizo already started around lunch time for Ranongah, Simbo, Vella and then Gizo Wards.
A Police have already set up a no-go zone at the counting station at the Chacha building in Gizo.
Police helped to secure the ballot boxes have transported them from the Provincial Office to the Chacha building
Theres high visibility of police to ensure counting runs smoothly.
Restriction to enter the counting room is also being upheld and only counting agents and authorized officials are allowed.
The announcement of the winning candidates is expected later today.
Gizo town is now packed with people from the surrounding islands who are here to wait for the results.
Counting for Choiseul is also underway.
Solomon Star Gizo