Of the three most recent reported suspected cases that have been sent for testing in Australia, the first result has now been received and it is negative.
In addition, a new suspected case was sent for testing on Friday. This will be the eleventh case to be tested from Solomon Islands. The Ministry of Health and Medical Services is still awaiting the results of the three other reported suspected cases and the public will be informed when the results becomes available.
Solomon Islands is now one of a small handful of countries where there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 to date. With the suspension of all commercial flights and the enforced quarantining of the most recent incoming travellers, the Ministry of Health continues to monitor the health of those most recent arrivals, to check for any symptoms of the virus.
The current measures of quarantining incoming travellers and practicing good hygiene are proactive ways of minimizing the potential risk of the virus arriving in and spreading through the country. The Permanent Secretary Pauline McNeil says “the virus should not control us but we can find ways to control the virus and we have found measures to do this by strict quarantining and suspension of international travel or flights”.
While this is a pleasing result, the fight against this deadly virus is not over until it is over says the MHMS Permanent Secretary Mrs. McNeil. Mrs. McNeil stressed that there is no time to relax and the public must remain vigilant, practice good hygiene, continue to maintain social distance at least one or two meter apart, stay away from overcrowding gatherings and discourage social gatherings.
The MHMS continues to appeal to the general public to avoid rumors, misleading information and speculation but instead obtain accurate and correct information. You can access updated information online at www.solomons.gov.sb, or follow our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/officialmhmssi/
The MHMS will continue to work together with other government ministries, Partners, NGOs and Stakeholders to ensure our country is protected from Coronavirus. Let us all join hands together to fight COVID-19.