DALA South Community, West Kwara’ae, Malaita province will today host a farmers’ field day.
The field day would involve all the farmers within the central region of Malaita based on the theme: ‘Think Lokol Kakai for Helti Living.’
Speaking to the Solomon Star yesterday principal agriculture field officer in Auki Ledley Diudi said the purpose of the field day is to bring farmers in and around the central region to come at one central location to display and showcase their best agricultural crops and livestock to the public.
“Its an opportunity for local farmers to expose to the public what they have produced.
“To let the public know how rural farmers can produce good quality crops and livestock,” he said.
He added that agriculture staff in Auki will assess and disseminate technical information relating to crop and livestock to farmers during that day.
“And that would be a chance for local farmers to access such information.Awareness will be conducted during the day to farmers along with posters and information brochures.
“Through such initiative it will create competition amongst farmers in the future,” he said.
He said that prizes will be also given to farmers with best quality crops and livestock.
Meanwhile, Diudi said that similar program was organised before conducted at various substations on Malaita but went silent for years.
“Today it would be the first of its kind for the event to go down to the rural communities and that would be an opportunity for local rural farmers to participate and showcase their products.”
He said it would be a chance for agriculture officers to share information with the farmers at one location.
“This will help improve local farmers farming system and create an avenue of competition.
“The day would be a great opportunity for all farmers to showcase their produces to the public,” he said.
He said that there are related agricultural videos to be shown to the community and farmers.
Diudi added that the core development production of agriculture commodity lay in the hands of small holders.
“If you want to prosper in the development aspiration of Malaita we must work together and develop the agriculture sector.”
Ministry of Agriculture and Malaita provincial government funded the program.
The program commenced at 8:30am and will end later in the afternoon.
Provincial government officials, agriculture officers, farmers and other guests are expected to be part of the program.
In Auki