The Women of Dala Parish Zone 3, from the villages of Dala South, Mana’ara and Susulangi has a new Women’s Executive Committee.
The new Committee was elected on Monday during their first meeting held at the Dala Parish Hall organized by Casper Fa’asala.
Women also at the same meeting discussed their new strategy plans for 2015 and beyond in which a number of programs were identified.
These programs include the establishment of a Literacy School for Adult women in the village for training in numeracy and reading, life skills training and courses in Home Management.
The meeting also identified that sanitation has been a major problem for the village and calls on both Provincial and National Governments to help the community with proper toilets for the village.
Currently, Villagers used the sea coastal as their toilet and which has an impact on the sea environment.
The Women also considers starting a Rural Financial Scheme that will help them in savings for basic home utensils but more importantly meeting their children’s school fees.
Mr. Fa’asala who conducted the election said that appropriate women’s organizations such as the National Council of Women and the Malaita Council of Women together with the Provincial Women’s Desk needs to hold consultations with the new Committee to support many of these ideas, but more so in training the Members of the Committee know their roles and functions well.