The present unsustainable harvesting of the country’s forest resources and the high rate of illegal logging activities necessitate a timely decision by the DCC Government to impose a moratorium on new registration and applications for logging business activities in Solomon Islands.
A statement issued through the Government Communication Unit said, the Cabinet has reached this decision a fortnight ago and will further advice on the enforcement of this moratorium soon.
“To effectively enforce this decision, Government will strengthen the coordination of relevant Ministries involved in issuing of business certificates and logging licence processes.
“These include the Ministries of Finance and Treasury, Commerce and Industries, Lands and Survey and Forestry and Research.”
With this arrangement, relevant government ministries will monitor and assess logging activities in the country as well as undertaking reviews to improve the procedures and protocols in the forestry industry.
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Forestry and Research, Barnabas Anga said, this monitoring and assessment process will amount to ceasing of any-sub-contracting arrangements by logging companies to incapable companies.
“With these improvements, we trust that related development programs such as cattle rearing, cocoa, palm oil or other plantation sectors will be better programmed and developed”.
“These are important programs that should generate employment opportunities and sustainable livelihoods that contribute towards the productivity of our resources and economy,” Mr Anga said.
As a result of these new arrangements, the Government trusts that the country’s employment rate will increase, government collection processes will improve and revenue from the forestry industry will continue to increase at a steady rate.