MALAITA’S Aoke Langalanga ward one provincial member says land is not the cause of development hold-ups on Malaita.
Molcolm Moli said it is people’s attitude towards land that hinders developments on Malaita.
“There are cultural set-ups in terms of land custody, therefore proper dialogue and inclusive approach must be priority in development plans to ensure a smooth implementation of development plans.”
He said leaders must go down to the level where land custodians are, meet them and allow them to be part of all the processes and development proposals.
“If this is done with honest hearts and minds, nothing is impossible. People will welcome all sorts of developments given that the inclusiveness is done genuinely in good spirit that landowners are actively involved in the front line of developments.
Mr Moli said because people are custodians of land, deal with people and not the land in question.
“Land problems have their solutions therefore, find out what the solutions are and resolve if we are serious about developments.
“Otherwise, if we are easily put off by land disputes, this is when policies and developments plans remain good for the paper only and not practically. Then we will see governments come and go without any diagnosis and tangible developments from the many development policies leaders boast about.”
He added that the outgoing provincial administration of Malaita were financially handicap and were easily put off by land disputes encountered when attempting to carry out development plans.
In Auki