Losing candidates from the three constituencies in Choiseul Province have pledged to work together with the three winning candidates to ensure the province maximise development opportunities.
A Losing candidate of South Choiseul Collish Leketo Tutua said now that dust has settled, both national and provincial leaders of the province should now start looking at development roadmaps for the province.
Mr Tutua said there were no tangible development activities witnessed in past years therefore it is time cooperation is employed in order to realise people’s wishes and dreams.
“Infrastructural developments should be priority couple with empowerment of people to get them involve in economical activities.
“Once leaders and people are committed and work cooperatively towards set goals, the province will no doubt reap good things sooner or later and there will be change.
“Areas that lack development in the past four years must be given attention this time round as well.”
He said people have spoken through their votes therefore it is time elected leaders show that responsibility of leadership to change people’s wellbeing and the province.
Mr Tutua a losing candidate who only polled 12 votes in the recent election said cooperation is key to development aspirations of people and the province.