Dear Editor -I read with interest about an article published in your paper on the 27th of February 2016, which titled “PS clarifies issue of deteriorating logs.”
The PS of the Ministry of Forest explained that 25,000 cubic metres of round logs at Noaone log pond in West Rennell was being issued a seizure notice to export since the company has no felling licence over the land to export round logs.
Such issue to my observation is not new to the logging activities on Rennell.
There were other issues occurred that results in similar incident, where trees were felled, while on the other hand there are legal matters that needs to be sorted out.
I have to clarify here that there were three Timber Rights being granted to different applicants on the same land and Rennell/Bellona Province has also granted Certificate of Determination to all these applicants.
Now these applicants are on the race, as who will log that particular land, while those who consent their pocket soils within the concession area are hopeful for the applicant they were part of to win.
So when one applicant finally wins, the other applicants and their consenters will definitely question the Ministry and other responsible authorities.
This seems to me is just like someone throwing things out and awaits to control at the entrance when these things are coming back.
Jay Sau’eha
Henderson, East Honiara