The Member of Parliament for North West Guadalcanal, Hon. Heinz Bodo Dettke has thanked the Government and Caucus for seeing it fit to extend the China RCDF assistance to his constituency but pleads with his colleague Guadalcanal MPs in government, to think of the leaders and peoples in the Malaita constituencies that were denied.
Hon. Dettke says, “I thank the Prime Minister and Caucus for allowing my constituency to benefit from the China RCDF funding assistance on behalf of my people. I am sure my leaders and people will be happy with the decision.
“I however question Caucus in its decision to deny 5 Opposition colleague MPs from Aoke Langalanga, East Are’are, Small Malaita, West Are’are and West Kwara’ae, and their leaders and peoples respectively. I feel Caucus has personalised this very important commitment to the detriment of affected constituencies. This is not right,” says Hon. Dettke.
Hon. Dettke goes on to say, “In any conflict situation, there is always room for compromise, especially in cases where, a decision will affect the livelihood of women, children and the elderly. The Government should see everybody as Solomon Islanders above all else. And so I appeal to my colleague Guadalcanal MPs in government, Hon. Bradley Tovosia (East Guadalcanal), Hon. Anthony Veke (West Guadalcanal), Hon. Jamie Vokia (North East Guadalcanal) and Hon. Peter Channel Agovaka (Central Guadalcanal), to think of your country men, women and children of the affected constituencies, and to persuade Caucus to rescind its decision.
“I plead with my colleague MPs from Guadalcanal in government to remind themselves of the message of Christmas in seeking to unite people in peace, love. joy and hope. Let not your heart be troubled by political allegiance to a foreign government. Be reminded of the words of Colossians 3:13 – Make allowance for each others faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Let us all break bread and celebrate the birth of Christ as one people and one country, regardless of our political opinions,” says Hon. Dettke.
– Opposition Press