VULNERABILITY of the country to natural disasters make it the business of everyone living in the country to have evacuation plans says the meteorological service director David Hiriasia.
Mr.Hariasia made the plea in view of past experiences, during which the country is always caught off guard by natural disaster phenomenon such as earthquakes, tsunami, cyclones and flooding.
“If organizations, business houses, schools and families have their own disaster evacuation plans, some of the tragic disasters such as lose of lives caused by disasters could have been avoided.”
Mr Hariasia said, given the fact that the country is vulnerable to natural disaster strikes it is a must that everyone living in this country should plan ahead in order to counter the effect of natural disasters.
“This would save lives from unwanted deaths.”
He said, it is important that parents and guardians teach their children on how to act wherever and whenever natural disaster strikes.
He pointed out the under most circumstances natural disasters occur, when parents were out at work so it is important to have a standard plan for your families to avoid a state of panic and chaos among members of the family when natural disasters strike in future.