THE Domestic jetty area within the Ports vicinity will be tar sealed soon says Collin Yow, the CEO of Solomon Islands Ports Authority (SIPA).
He made the revelation last week, in a press conference with members of the local media.
“By December, the domestic port area will be tar sealed and come next year, it will be fully lightened,” Mr Yow said.
He added that, as part of the ongoing reform process, the domestic wharves premises will be improved within the next two years.
As claimed by the CEO, an improved infrastructure will be evident in the near future.
Mr Yow also said that, this will be real achievements for the State Owned Enterprise (SOE).
A statement from SIPA also stated that, SIPA will also re-invest the rest of its profits by restructuring and improving the infrastructure at the Ports.
“The roads around the ports precinct will be tar-sealed.
“Lighting the port is already in progress, equipment are being sourced and purchased in preparation for the new wharf.
“Technology and training are a constant change at the ports to create efficiency and skill,” the statement added.
Meanwhile, the SIPA boss also revealed that, the domestic port alone has recruited a total of 30 security guides.
It was understood that, they will be responsible for the manning of the premises to ensure people are not selling betel nuts, smoking, and loitering in the area.