The quizzing experience for the Bosconians was the first of the kind.
The quiz Master, Sebastian Drobner, a German Volunteer, provided an unforgettable experience to the Bosconians, with the variety in quizzing exhibited at the Don Bosco Quiz, Friday.
110 questions related to Don Bosco were made available to the students of the 3 institutions when the quiz was announced.
This was only the first part of the quizzing.
Unexpected questions related to the topic proved the research the teams had done in preparation.
Multiple choice questions, option to choose questions from particular themes of 1, 2 or 3 points, rapid round, light indicating smartness to answer, apart from the direct questions and written round made the experience very enriching.
Five selected teams: 2 from DB Tetere, 2 from DB Henderson and 1 from Laura Vicuna Hostel, consisting of 4 members in a team, participated.
At half time, 2 teams were eliminated, leaving DBTI 1 & 2, with DB Tetere team 2 competing for the best places.