HONIARA Senior High School (HSHS) graduating classes of 2024 have been encouraged to serve God and others first and humbly putting themselves last in order to be successful in their educational endeavors and become productive citizens.
This encouragement was underscored by non-other than the Director of the Solomon Islands Tertiary Education Scholarship Athourity (SITESA) Dr John Iromea in his keynote address at the school’s annual graduation ceremony held at the HSHS Hall on Thursday 14 November.
Dr Iromea said the graduation event, which was themed ‘Overcoming challenges for a productive future’, was the culmination of the hard work and dedication of the graduating students in the past one, two or three years of their educational journey and that of their teachers and the rest of the school staff who helped shape them for the future.
He said the graduation theme was relevant, useful and innovative at all times and on all occasions and expressed that he believes it gives hope for the future and thereafter, underscored what he termed as the three Principles of Life – Serving God First, Serving Others First and Serving Oneself Last.

Dr Iromea underlined the importance of adhering to these three Principles of Life to help the graduating students reach their full potential in life and achieve their life goals.
“In order for you to strive to achieve a better future, you have to be well-versed with all these three Principles of Life. You have to balance these three principles in order for you to achieve your future goals and aims.”
Elaborating on the first principle, the SITESA Director said serving God is serving parents whom he said are Godparents.
“Parents represent God,” Dr Iromea said turning to parents who gathered at the occasion. “Dear parents you are God’s fulfillment and presence on this Earth. You are to fulfill your duties as parents and as Godparents. The lives of our children are in your hands. Their education and their everyday activities are in your hands so guide their education well.”
He said parents and homes are the foundation of a nation and parents and homes are also the foundation of education and that homes reflect one’s cultures and identity.
Elaborating on the second principle, Dr Iromea told the graduating students that serving others includes serving their neighbours, friends, wantoks, teachers, everyone else, including their own community.
“In essence, your service to others is very important. Treat others with respect and you will also receive respect in return. When you treat others with hatred, you will receive hatred from them,” he added.

Elaborating on the third principle, Dr Iromea told the graduating students to, “think of yourself last. Be humble and simple in your thoughts and words and actions.”
Dr Iromea added that, “In order for you to strive and achieve a better future, you have to be well-versed with all these three Principles of Life. You have to balance these three forms of education in order for you to achieve your future goals and aims. Striving to achieve your future dreams depend entirely on how you value education.”
Turning to the subject of challenges, he said challenges are many but are the pathway to success.
“This challenging world offers you unparalled opportunities and some very difficult challenges. To face your challenges at school, at home, in a workplace and your day-to-day lives, there are many things that being a graduate of this school will give you.
“You should follow your passion, the effort and commitment you make a better placed onto something you love. You should believe in yourself. You can cope with change. You can make a great future no matter what comes your way,” Dr Iromea underscored.
Elaborating on the subject of future to the graduating students, Dr Iromea said, “Today is the celebration of your strive for a better future. It is wonderful to look out on you all and feel the energy that comes on your graduation day. I am excited about the future for each of you. You have the all the potential to be what you want to be.
“You will always find it very sad to say goodbye to your friends. However, life must move on. There is a big world out there waiting for your talents.”
Solomon Star, Honiara