THE Secretary to Prime Minister (SPM) Dr. Jimmie Rodgers says it is unlikely the government will declare a total lock-down and so people should not panic.
Speaking at a press conference yesterday Dr. Rodgers said following a Cabinet meeting on Saturday, it has not declared any lock-down meaning there’s no high risk and it can be managed well.
He said from the Oversight Committee, assessing the risk and containing it are the recommendation to the government to seriously look at and avoid declare any lock-down.
“Should there be a lock-down, it may be recommended it to have it be localised as supposed to generalise which it can affect everybody,” he said.
Dr. Rodgers said the Cabinet has yet to make any decision on any lock-down.
“As of Saturday no lock-down is planned by the Cabinet as the situation is currently managed.
“Why we say it is managed because we have two quarantine camps where they are in where the positive case is in an isolation unit at the NRH while the other two patients who are negative but also in there will have to be relocated them back because they are negative,” he said.
He said since the risk is now contained, it is better not to do things that will provide fear amongst the community.
“So the main message to the community is that the risk of COVID-19 case with the patient who contracted it is currently managed well and will not spread out from that source,” he said.
Meanwhile, he said all the frontline workers have already tested yesterday and their results will be made available today.
Newsroom, Honiara