Dear Editor – I would be graetful if you could publish very article in your paper in expressing my humble view representing the silent majority of People of East Are____Are in what we see as been weak and lack of tangible development in your constituency as a whole.
Few days ago we have seen and read the Transparency Solomon Island revealing the amounts of dollar each province receive in the name of Constituency Fund.
it is a big huge amount of Money where each MP receives.
In an economic theory, if you run an economy correlation with Money given and the real tangible development on the ground. There is a huge gap in place. My question is, where and what are all this money spend on?.
Furthermore, we East Are____Are people don’t see any tangible development and we could take part and also ownership of we have learn to be parasitic on this kind of system.
East AreAre Constituency Office must be proactive in it roles and responsibility in serving the best interest of the people.
I would like to ponder this question to the East Are____Are Constituency office ponder on.
1) What time will the sanitation project for Ward 19 will be implemented?.
2) What will the major project earmark of East Are____Are started.
3) What time will the fisheries project in Honoa started?.
4) Why do EAC office pay a local lawyer at an expensive rate to do a review of the Nomo Araha board with land reform in East Are____Are?
Lastly, we really need to see tangible development, so that we can stand on our own and build where we can.
Pot rice kolsap Tane nao. Sarikaata!.
Peter Ata____tau
Muki Village
The Silent Majority Link for change