Dear Editor – As a rural dweller and one victimised by the industrialised nation’s greed, I found the surface thought of a certain Fr Akao, interesting and a little inspiring.
However, Fr. Akao has not organised his presentation in a clear and coherent manner.
Thus, he has not done justice to the issue discussed, something he has been famous for during his tenure as a former Principal of a Theological College in North West Guadalcanal.
Thus, the purpose for which the subject was served to the faith community has been compromised.
Any presentation made on behalf of the church should be well researched, clear, simple and well articulated. Right to information confronting and affecting us is a basic human right.
Climate change is a broad subject in the European context and a gold mine for academics in terms of research.
It affects every sphere of our existence; and should be the pulpit message of/for this century, and not a ten year period one.
Because of that, it needs the collaboration of all of humanity, because man irrespect of his status is ordained to be the custodian of creation.
It’s an ordained ministry that I would like to term, Reverent or Mama Custodian. Now, you know, how important your role is you to creation.
At home, king tide, an effect of climate change is real, and is experienced daily. Indeed, it creates a lot of inconveniences to families, mothers and school children.
Yet, despite all these problems, our people continue to enjoy life as it comes and goes, and sometimes, we perceived king tide, as an act of God Almighty, warning us of his eminent coming.
Faithfully, our village catechist continues to lead our daily morning and evening services in the church; challenging our faith community, that Jesus Christ best shines in the midst of these adversaries; and there is hope beyond these trials and tribulation. Amen Jesus.
Eco-theology is a big word, and at village level’ we will start scratching our heads at the mention of it.
As uncle Stanley Filei would love to say, `”Oh come down mama Akao.” His statement echoes the level of sentiments held by academics, who have lost attachment and evolving experience with culture, tradition and rural life. Clerics or Fathers should be more at home in their pastoral concern than in the public eye.
After all, Jesus was a villager than a city dweller.
To begin my discussion, eco-theology is coined/comes from two words; ecology and theology.
Ecology basically is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. Theology from religious perspective is the study of words.
As late Professor John Macquarrie puts it, ‘theology’ is a study through which participation, and reflection upon a religious faith seeks to express the content of that faith in the most clearest and coherent language available or as Professor, Daniel Migliore defines it “Faith seeking understanding”.
If faith is to be read, understood and experienced in the life and language of our rural populace, then it must have some kind of attachment to planting a banana, or a sago palm tree, an activity we rural dwellers are already mastering.
Let all the islands rise and sing, and to our God be precious bring, for fish and shells and mighty whales, for all these things our heart we pour.
This hymn, when sang, has brought many of us to tears. Theologically, this is creation best expressed within the context of our Port Adam people.
What then is the position of the church in relation to the above issue? Firstly, Evangelism and Renewal is an ongoing ministry, and not a decade issue.
If climate change is experienced daily by our people; how come it is a decade issue, I think, it is a daily bread issue.
No amount of funding will fall from heaven on the Port Adam people, because God gas already blessed us with abundance of creation.
We are a sharing community and this is one aspect of our village life that continues to hold us together.
As theologian, late Dr. John Stott, puts it, “the only way you can have Love is to give Love.” How true is that chorus, “Love is something that you give it away, and it comes right back to you’”. Amen and Halleluiah. Surprisingly, the world is moulding man to receive than to give. But God is a giver not a receiver.
Finally, I am blessed with being a member of the Port Adam community. Whether, I am from, Ro’one, Fanalei, Kalona, O’o or Uwaru, the unity of our communities matters first and foremost.
And this is one way, we can mitigate climate change.
Rodo Kohi mo weiwe, teite, mamaa, na mo kaleku. Kami doo!
A.M Junia
Port Adam
Small Malaita