A VILLAGE elder in Temotu has called on responsible authorities to address the root causes of climate change and sea level rise.
The elder made the call during the Environment and Conservation Inquiry in the province recently.
Before contributing to the inquiry, the elder asked what creates or instigates sea level rise, the length of time sea level rise will last and how the world is going to solve the problem of sea level rise.
He continues to say that those living in the low lying islands of the province have felt the impacts of sea level rise.
This includes coastal degradation, depletion of certain fish species and corals as well as unusual high tides.
However, he continues to say that the province is without an environment office and an officer to ensure environmental matters and information are disseminated to the people.
He further stated that there are no environment committees in place to provide the much needed linkage to the Ministry of Environment for the provision and attendanceto environment related issues.
The elder calls on the province to work together with the Ministry of Environment and Conservation to immediately set up a framework that would encourage a collaborative team work for addressing the impacts of sea level rise and climate change.
He continues to say that although the impacts of sea level rise may seem less marked today, the most likely victims who will face the full wrath of sea level rise are the up-coming generations.