Dear Editor – Allow me a space just to spell out my opinion on “Ethical Leadership” in relation to the article published on Friday 24th of February 2017, in the Page “Letters To the Editor, Title: SPOL-Treatment of its staff” written by Desmond Tutu.
In Mr Tutu’s letter, he voiced out the treatment that the SPOL (South Pacific Oil Ltd) did to their staff members, which can be seen as unfairness or unethical leadership.
And this leads to the main term that I would like to discuss in this letter, “Ethical Leadership”.
Ethical Leadership is a type of leadership that is directed by respect for ethical beliefs and values and for the dignity of others.
It is related to the concepts such as trust, honesty, consideration, charisma and fairness.
Leaders should bear in mind that workers are the key money earners in the company, and they should be treated as full human beings.
Because without workers there would be no money coming into the company.
Leaders are to treat their workers properly.
Ethical leaders respect others, serve others interest before their own interest, show justice, and manifest honesty and builds community/company.
Therefore, leaders have to bear in mind that good leadership has good outcomes and bad leadership has bad outcomes as well.
I do believe that there are leaders that take that title in vain, not understanding the significance of being a leader, the value and quality of true leadership.
After all, we are all leaders in whatever we are, we suppose to share the values of being responsible for one another, to tell right from wrong and consider ourselves as servants.
Irene Mae
USP, Emalus Campus,