Dear Editor – I would like to raise my question to the Electoral Commission’s office on validity of nomination for candidacy, in this coming National Election for clarification.
The questions are as follows:
I had built four houses in four different constituencies within Solomon Islands to spend some time in them at different times.
During the recent national registration of voters, I did not go to the Art Gallery in Honiara to register my name as a voter in either the provincial or national constituencies.
This leaves me to miss out from being listed in either the provincial or national Election Voters Register list.
I am a non-register voter. Some intending candidates fall under this category.
Question: Am I eligible to be nominated to contest the national Election. In other words can my nomination be treated by the Returning Officer as valid under Sections 28 (1) to (6)?
Please make some legal clarification in response to this before nominations open.
Wilfred Atomea
Malaita Province