FOURTY-FIVE women from Sisifiu community in ward five, Malaita Province, completed a basic catering training last weekend.
The training, which was aimed at empowering women in rural areas to know the basics of cooking diverse island dishes, saw the women develop their catering skills with the hope of using it to start up their own business to earn income.
The Malaita Provincial Government’s Women’s Development Officer (WDO), Clara Rikimani, who facilitated the training, said such useful training can help rural women find means of generating income for their families.
“We aim to empower these women with these basic but most useful catering skills so that they can help themselves find means of generating income for themselves and their families through these basic training,” Ms Rikimani said.
She heaped praise toward the ward’s provincial member, Rensley Uguni for his support in helping organise the training.
Mr Uguni meanwhile said that it was nice seeing women involved in such beneficial training.
“It is indeed good to see our women having the time of their lives participating in this training,” he said.
“Especially learning the basics in catering, a skill that can be of great use especially during occasions which require caterers.
“It will be very beneficial for our women in the long run,” Mr Uguni said.
He added that having spend a day or two with the women, he himself has learned a lot about catering which he said would be very useful to him.
In Auki