Dear Editor- I read with dismay and bewilderment an article by Pastor Francis Feratelia, published in your paper dated 11th May, 2015.
I remember some years ago, a local personality by the name of Peter Aifiu responded quite credibly to an article published by the same Feratelia concerning his legal scriptural argument.
In this recent article that I am referring to, Feratelia lashed out very outrageous and wild accusations of Rev. Maefonea’s radio program.
There are very marked differences between the two gentlemen. Rev Maefonea is a qualified theologian who holds a Master’s Degree in theology from a renowned Bible Institute in Australia.
Feratelia on the other hand is a self-thought man both in English and in Bible Study. If one should therefore observe Feratelia by his English Vocabulary and grammar, it would be considered unscholarly and simply laughable.
The man pitifully and so tirelessly endeavoured to inscribe dictionary words that neither have nor resemble any coherence to his insidious script.
I am neither for nor against either of the two gentlemen but Feratelia so displayed such nonsensical tirade against Maefonea that accounted to unquestionable defamation of character by the Statutes and the National Constitution of Solomon Islands.
And if such is the lowly tenure of Feratelia’s article in English, how twaddle and misconceived was his Biblical ex-position.
The man Feratelia is not by any measure an authority in Biblical Doctrines. Solomon Islands thank God, does have a few qualified Theologians who are able and capable to interpret and expound on scripture under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
The late professor Derrick Prince who was an authority and scholar of the English language, Greek, Hebrew, and Latin and is considered by many as one of the most influential Bible teachers of our time, and maybe, second only to the apostle Paul, in expounding the word of God, would not agree to Feratelia’s unethical Biblical interpretations including his rhetoric on the law and the commandments.
Feratelia’s mother tongue is the Langa-Langa language, his second language is Pidgin, and English is not Feratelia’s forte. The simple may be fooled by Feratelia’s unverified scriptural narratives, but the learned and the wise perceive his assertions as scripturally warped and misconstrued.
The simple definition of Law and Grace is as follows;
- If you live under the Law you are pronounced GUILTY – reason- by God’s standard all men have broken the Laws of God – Jews and gentiles alike – including Feratelia from Langa Langa lagoon and Maefonea from East Malaita.
- If you live under Grace you are pronounced FREE, not by Feratelia’s word but by the word of God.
- Law commits you to comply with its requirements.
- Grace commits you to rely on his (Jesus) sacrifice.
The Laws and Commandment were given to Moses for the children of Israel to abide by. They failed. If the children of Israel failed to keep the laws during their 40 years of wandering in the desert, how possible is it for Feratelia a man from Langa Langa to be able to keep the same laws today?
Law came through Moses and pronounced man guilty including Feratelia and Maefonea and the rest of us.
Grace came through Jesus Christ the son of God, our Lord, and by Faith in him sets man free including Feratelia, Maefonea and the rest of us.
Law proves that man has sinned but cannot save man from sin. Grace shows the way back to God and saves man from sin. Living under Grace fulfils the law.
Therefore, the conclusion of the matter is this, if Feratelia is determined to live under the law he is pronounced GUILTY by Heaven and by Earth.
And if Maefonea is determined to live under Grace he is pronounced FREE by Heaven and by Earth.
Ladies and gentlemen, choose you this day who you will serve – Law or Grace.
I choose Grace. Amen
Mark Wate