Local fishermen from East Malaita constituency in Malaita province will now go out fishing in cheaper transport with the supplies of 60 fiberglass canoe from RM fiberglass engineering last week.
The canoes were funded under the Republic of China Rural Development Fund allocated for fishing project within East Malaita constituency.
Member of Parliament Manasseh Maelanga has been donating out boat motor during his first term but it was expensive for the local fishermen.
To continue his support for fishing project in a cheaper way he supplied canoes to help the local fishermen manage their projects.
Constituency Development Officer Gabriel Rockson last week said those who will receive the first 60 canoes are those that living along the coastal area.
He said, if the canoes are put into good used they will increase the supplies depending on the demand from the communities.
He said, the constituency under its fishing project has donated out boat motors (OBM) to the communities but they expressed that it was expensive to maintain it.
The community then recommended that instead of donating out boat motor they prefer fiberglass canoe because it was easy to manage and cheap.
“With that recommendation the MP agree and supplies fiberglass canoe to see the fishing project is continue in the constituency,” he said.
Supplier and Managing Director of RM fiberglass engineering Rollen Seleso said, it was an honor for him to assist rural development through the supplies of the canoes.
He assures the East Malaita constituency that the canoes are safe for use and quality that will help them in their long term projects.
Principal Rural Development officer for Malaita province constituencies Melina Sese acknowledged the initiative taken by the East Malaita constituency.
She said, all constituencies must make sure the funds allocated for rural development are fully utilized.
She said once all the constituencies implement their projects it will help improve the livelihood of the people in the rural villages.
By Charles Kadamana