On 4 February, the European Union (EU) and Solomon Islands held their Partnership Dialogue, the first under the new Samoa Agreement, which is the basis for cooperation between the EU and the Pacific.
The Partnership Dialogue took place in Brussels and allowed the EU and Solomon Islands to take stock of developments in the partnership since their last meeting at this level, held in November 2022.
Both sides confirmed their mutual commitment to further strengthening their partnership, while upholding the paramount importance of the multilateral system and international law, including calling for global peace through diplomacy, dialogue and cooperation.
The EU and the Solomon Islands discussed the latest geopolitical trends and updated each other about their respective policy priorities, strategies and initiatives.
Solomon Islands presented its latest national and foreign policy priorities since the general elections. These were held in April 2024, with an EU’s Election Expert Mission deployed.
Both sides also exchanged views on a number of concrete EU-funded cooperation projects aiming at supporting the sustainable development of the Solomon Islands.
Both sides discussed human rights issues, including cooperation in multilateral fora. They took stock of multilateral cooperation on climate change, environmental and biodiversity issues.
They also referred to the Fourth Small Island Developing States Conference (SIDS4), which took place in Antigua and Barbuda in May 2024.

Pacific Island Countries are among the most affected by the consequences of global warming and sea level rise. Additionally, they welcomed the UN Ocean Conference (UNOC3) in 2025, in which both parties will seek an ambitious political declaration.
The EU and Solomon Islands underlined the importance of sustainable trade for Solomon Islands’ development and referred to the implementation by Solomon Islands of the interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the EU and certain Pacific Countries.
They discussed ocean governance and fisheries, including the fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in view of ensuring the conservation and sustainable management of marine biological resources under the Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) purview.
Solomon Islands updated the EU on its preparedness to host the Honiara Summit 2025 on 24-27 February 2025, an international gathering focused on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14.4 – conserving and sustainably using oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.

Further, the EU acknowledged Solomon Islands’ role as the next chair of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), stating its commitment to its partnership with the Pacific as a Dialogue Partner of PIF. In this context, the EU expressed its intention to participate at the next PIF Leaders’ Meeting, which will convene in September 2025 in Honiara, Solomon Islands.
The meeting was co-chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade of Solomon Islands, Mr Peter Shanel Agovaka, and Mr Niclas Kvarnström and Ms Paola Pampaloni, respectively Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director for Asia and the Pacific, European External Action Service.
In the margins of the Dialogue, Solomon Islands’ Foreign Minister Peter Shanel Agovaka also met High Representative/Vice-President Kaja Kallas, as well as European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jozef Síkela.