Youths in Taro, Choiseul province celebrated their first Youth market on Tuesday.
The Market took place during the 3 day belated international Youth Day celebration and the opening of the Province’s new Youth Sports Centre in Taro.
There were youth stalls selling youth’s creative products and awareness stalls from the Government and NGOs.
Youth in the Young Entrepreneurship Programme (YEP) who had come from villages in North and South Choiseul had the chance to sell some of their home made products like bark bags, crochet bags, chopping boards, paddles, rags, printed T-Shirts and many other art and crafts.
Youth@Work coordinator in Choiseul, Reywin Taroniara stated the market creates a new environment for youth to mingle with the public.
“The youth market helps them to build network with their customers and to let them know that the Youth Market is all about building them and their skills and talents,” Reywin said
She added that the event brings new experience for the young staff of Youth@Work and the young entrepreneurs.
“This is the first time for us to host a Youth Market with games and a lot of educational awareness stalls that really engage the youth in a whole day of fun educational activities,”
“We are happy the Provincial Government here in Choiseul gave us this opportunity within the three day celebration to showcase our work.” Reywin concluded.
The Youth Market concludes at night with a song competition based on the international Youth Day theme “Youth Civic Engagement” and a quiz competition.
Youth@Work is implemented by SPC, in partnership with the Solomon Islands Ministry of National Unity, Peace and Reconciliation, the Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour and Immigration, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs. Youth@Work is an initiative to tackle youth unemployment in the Solomon Islands and is funded by the Australian Aid bilateral program, with assistance from its partner ministries.