The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Hon. Nestor Ghiro has congratulated the SolTuna and the NFD during celebrations marking the 50th Anniversary of the country’s Tuna Industry in Noro today.
The celebrations also coincide with the 18th Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) in Honiara this week.
A high-level delegation of PNA Ministers and officials joined the celebrations in Noro and were given an opportunity to visit the SolTuna processing facility as part of their visit.
“Soltuna and NFD have contributed immensely to the economic growth and development of Solomon Islands. You have come a long way in the last 50 years in contributing to our country’s economic growth and development and initiated some fisheries management measures in our Pacific region,” Hon Giro said.

The Solomon Islands tuna fisheries sector is one of the highest employment providers -employing more than 3,000 people and more than SB$300millions to the Government Revenue annually.
The ripple effects of the industry have transformed the livelihood of residents in that region in terms of employment and infrastructure development.
The tuna industry in Solomon Islands commenced as a joint venture agreement between Salomon Islands Government and Taiyo Gyogya of Japan in 1972 with a small pole & line fleet and a small cannery and Arabushi plant in Tulagi, Central Province.
Later in 1975, the Noro base was opened solely as a fishing base with wharves, brine tanks and cold store.
“Fast forward to this date, we can see for ourselves the many changes herein that have evolved to bring Bolton since 2019 to be now the owner of TriMarine and becomes the owners of NFD and major shareholder of Soltuna. I want to sincerely congratulate you for that,” Minister Giro said.
“The 50 years journey of our tuna industry is a remarkable journey and I acknowledge all who have contributed. Again, let me congratulate Soltuna and NFD for all the achievements in the last 50 years”.
“Your growth and success also mean that Solomon Islands is reaping tangible benefits as well. The government looks forward to continuing supporting the tuna industries in Solomon Islands”. Giro concluded.