RESOURCE owners of the multi-million dollar Fiu hydro power project on Malaita will hold their consultation meeting in Auki on Wednesday.
The meeting is to inform resource owners of the current status of the Fiu hydro power project as well as to hear a debriefing on the recent trip to Honiara by the Fiu hydro Task Force Committee.
The Fiu Hydro Task Force completed their one week successful visit to Honiara recently where they met with key stakeholders, including the Hon Prime Minister, ADB, Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification, Ministry of Lands Housing and Survey and the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA) and submitted their Strategic Work Plan 2015-2017.
A statement from the committee said, that the Auki meeting will also discuss their Strategic Work Plan: 2015-2017 and how resource owners can participate fully in the development and implementation of the hydro power project.
“We will be discussing the work programme and activities for next year, 2016,” the statement added.
Senior Government officials from the Ministry of Mines Energy and Rural Electrification, Malaita Provincial Government as well as SIEA will also attend the meeting.
The Fiu hydro power project is one of the major national projectson Malaita under the current DCC Government with a total funding of USD$15 million (SDB$110 million), with USD$12 million coming from ADB and the other USD$3 million from Solomon Islands Government and Solomon Islands Electricity Authority.
The statement added that Fiu hydro project is one of the successful projects on Malaita which has started with funding already secured, and resource owners agreeing to the development.
Full construction work is expected to start in 2017 after all the survey;design and other related technical work has been completed.