A review following the flash flooding in April this year was conducted on Wednesday to parts of the west and east Guadalcanal.
The review team included representatives from the Solomon Islands Red Cross, Red Cross New Zealand, ministry of lands and other stakeholders.
The review was purposely to get views of the people in the communities affected by the recent flash floods and share with the agencies on how to improve their response plan in any future disaster.
Ana Zarkovic from New Zealand Red Cross said she was part of the team to evaluate the communities affected.
“We come to talk with people affected by the recent flood and to listen to their concerns, needs and how the agencies responded to them after disaster strikes.”
Ms Zarkovic said after the review they will go back and look at the concerns and complains raised by the people and find ways to improve their response plans in any future disasters.
Lily Nego victim of flash flood in grassland evacuation centre said say agencies should be alert at all time to response during disaster times.
“One thing that agencies should do is to respond immediately right after disaster strikes.”
Mrs Nego said that distribution of supplies should be given not after two weeks because people are desperate in need right after disaster strikes.
“So that’s when we need supplies from responsible agencies.”
She urged agencies to work closely with communities affected and improve their work response in future disaster.
By Joanna Frances