The Salesian Sisters responded to the request by the Fox Bay Catholic Community in West Guadalcanal to share with the community their mission work here in the Solomon Islands.
The sisters took up the challenge to bring the most needed information about their mission work and their charism in the Catholic Church.
On Thursday 14th – 17th July, 2016 two sisters, one DBTI teacher and two media men travelled to Fox Bay to share the good news and information about the Salesian Sisters(FMA) and Salesians of Don Bosco(SDB) mission work here in the Solomon Islands.
The traveling party was welcomed by the Isunavutu community, the chairman Mr. Charles Taligana and Christina his wife, Mr. Sotere Ria and his wife Vincentia, Catechist Simon Chiputani and wife Veronica Vera, the Sunday school and the Catholic mothers group.
The welcoming song was sang by the group reflected their appreciation and gratitude to the sisters for making the trip over to their community.
The first session was conducted on Thursday night by Sr. Sesilia Sala FMA of who the Salesian Sisters are and their mission work in the Solomon Islands.
On Friday the session conducted by Sr. Bernadette Wauki FMA was focused on the different ways that the sisters are able to reach out to the people such as education, catechism, youth ministry and Catholic Teachers Sodality.
The information about the combine work of the FMA and SDB in the Solomon was facilitated by Ms Desma, DBTI-Henderson Instructor was very much appreciated by the community.
“Opportunities are always available and are there for our youth. The communities and parents need to support and encourage our youth to continue with their education.”
There was also an opportunity to show the movies of the lives of the two saints that started the Congregations of the Salesians and the Salesian Sisters, St. John Bosco and St. Mary Domenica Mazarrello.
The Isunavutu community enjoyed every moment of the visit and the sharing from the sisters. They were asked by the community to make another visit in the near future so communication and understanding of the great mission of the Salesian family will continue to inspire the young people of Isunavatu.
There was also a session on the use of media in relation to the message of the Holy Father Pope Francis regarding the World Communication Day.
Mr. John Toki shared that communication, cooperation and respect are the three important aspects of media.
The sisters and the travelling party would like to express their sincere gratitude to Hon. Moses Garu and the whole family for accommodating and looking after the team for the whole program. Mr. Sotere Ria for the initiative taken in inviting the sisters to share their mission work with the community. Fr. Euvan Rapasia, parish priest, Catechist and Chairman of the parish and not the least the youth and Sunday school children. Big thank you to all of Isunavutu community for making the program so successful. This was shown by the way they farewell the visiting party.
-Sr. Sesilia Sala FMA