FOUR of the 140 telecommunications towers project have gone online since Sunday night, the Minister of Communication and Aviation (MCA), Fredrick Kologeto confirmed in a media briefing yesterday.
Minister Kologeto announced that MCA expects 10 more towers to be operational by June and a total of 42 towers completed by August 31.
Currently, the project focuses on Guadalcanal, Central Islands and Isabel provinces.
The second phase will cover Choiseul, Malaita, and Western provinces.
MCA Permanent Secretary Alwyn Danitofea clarified that the Telecommunication Act prevents the government from directly participating in the market.
In compliance with this regulation, the government established a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) called Solomon Tower Limited (STL), which will own the towers and equipment.
The telecommunications services will utilize the Our Telekom core network to prevent the government entity from functioning as a telecommunications operator.
The Solomon Islands Government funded the 140 telecommunication towers with resources obtained from Exim Bank with assistance from the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
The project contractor is China Harbor Engineering Company and the telecommunications equipment supplier is Huawei, a partner of Solomon Telekom.
The project will be managed by STL.
Solomon Star, Honiara