A THREE days workshop on Gender Based Violence (GBV) was successfully conducted in Malaita province last Thursday.
About 25 nurses, church women leaders and chiefs from Kilu’ufi hospital and communities around Auki attended the workshop.
The workshop focused on gender based violence issue and how to prevent it from affecting women and young girls in communities.
GBV coordinator Nashley Vozoto said the workshop has given participants some fair ideas of the concept of sex and GBV responsibilities.
“To know gender related to culture and sector of violence.
“Also what treatments should be given to victims of violence,” Mr Vozoto said.
He said during program he observed that participants have improved a lot by familiarising themselves with GBV issues and its treatment.
Mr Vozoto added that now participants are well prepared to treat any victims affected by violence in communities and at the nearby clinics.
Mr Vozoto said after meeting participants are expected to conduct awareness talks in communities on gender based violence issues to prevent violence so that people can respect each others’ rights.