East Makira MP Alfred Ghiro has advised his constituents that he will only meet school fees of children whose parents supported him in the last election.
And he had reportedly posted a notice on the door of his West Kola’a Ridge home in Honiara with the words “Supporters Only” to remind those who did not vote for him that they are not welcomed.
The MP’s action has infuriated his constituents who took their anger and disagreement to social media to express themselves in the East Makira Forum facebook page.
Under measures introduced by the last government, each MP is allocated $200,000 a year of public funds to be used to meet school fees of children in their constituency.
But recent events saw some MPs only used the funds to pay for school fees of children whose parents supported the MP.
One East Makira constituent and parent whose request Ghiro flatly rejected last week was Chief Hypolite Bii of Naharahau village.
He told the Sunday Star he sent his letter of request with his brother seeking assistance from Ghiro for his daughter’s school fee.
“After my brother handed him the letter, he read it then wrote the following statement on the top of the letter: H. Bii, your request for school fee is not approved! Please pay your own fees! I am concerned with supporters only.”
Bii said he could not believe that such response would come from a national leader.
“The school fee funds are meant for every child in the constituency that needs assistance, not just those who voted for the MP.
“This is just unbelievable, and one more reason why public funds should be removed from politicians,” Bii said.
“Ghiro has shown his true colours,” he added.
Students from the constituency whom their MP turned them away when they called at his house also expressed their disgust to the Sunday Star
“We went to the MP’s house last week and were shocked to see a notice with the words ‘SUPPORTERS ONLY’ pinned up on the door of his house.
“This is irresponsible, childish, and disrespectful to say the least,” a representative of the students said.
On the East Makira facebook group, the issue was hotly debated.
Here are some of the comments:
“The MP should grow up, be man enough to establish transparent measures to inform and keep the people of EMC abreast on how best the public funds can be equitably invested in the constituency.
“His actions time and time again shows immaturity, gross ignorance of his mandate for the people of East Makira and outrageously insensitive to the development needs of the constituency.
“The MP is trying to take revenge for things that do not belong to him.
“He and his voters should know better that payments are made in the name of the constituency, not VOTERS….be a man enough to prove to your critics you can do something for East Makira, instead of the other way around…especially with such an important assistance for school fees.”
Comments are being sought from Ghiro.