Dear Editor – This topic is of personal interest to me so when Gabriel Taloikwai raised it on Thursday 21st May; I thought I should chip in.
Yes Gabriel, you have missed something.
It has already been reported that relevant authorities are giving up the fight against giant African snail due to lack of government funding and political will.
I grew up in PNG where these pests (called “demdems”) thrive on all forms of vegetation.
Yet people there have invented many practical ways of preventing them from destroying their foods and cash crops (e.g. Cocoa).
Besides, farmers there are utilizing these snails to their advantage. Pigs and chicken feed as a protein supplement.
Simply collect a lot of snails, crack snails and cook with kumara, cassava or even rice in a large pot or tin. Feed pigs and chicks when stew is cooked and cooled. They will separate the slugs with ease.
This may sound ‘yuckee’ but you will not regret it as you watch your livestock and birds fatten up faster than when raised solely with regular milled feeds.
Remember unlike the dreaded cane toads, giant African snails are not poisonous but very economical in saving costs on feed alone.
Our sluggish neighbours are here to stay so rather than fight them, use them.
Geoff Ford Samuel
Tanuli Heights